Wednesday, June 3, 2009

From the last few days

15 mo stats

Arleigh had his 15 month well-baby check-up on Monday. Overall, he is really healthy and ahead of the curve developmentally. The Dr was a little worried about his weight, but said for us to just keep trying to get as much food into him as possible and we would reevaluate at his 18 month appointment.

Weight: 19 lb, 9 oz -- 1.56 percentile (eek! he is tiny)
Height: 2 ft., 6.5 inches -- 27.88 percentile

Things he can do (well, at least the stuff the Dr. seemed to care about):
walk (like a pro!)
tries to eat with a spoon
stacks blocks (4 high!)
walks up steps
throws a ball
uses words
claps (kinda...he doesnt seem to like doing this)
high five
wave hi and bye